The tenets of Taekwondo were instilled in me physically, mentally and emotionally:
Courtesy, Integrity, Perseverance, Self-Control, and an indomitable spirit.
I begged my parents to enroll me in martial arts class as a child. My reasons at the time were immature,
but the respect and focus appealed to my parents. Unlike other sports, this engaged my wholly. I
struggled as a child to focus my rambunctious energy and quickly shifting attention, but the care and
passion of my instructors inspired my to aspire to their efforts. The tenets of Taekwondo were instilled
in me physically, mentally and emotionally: Courtesy, Integrity, Perseverance, Self-Control, and an
indomitable spirit. The many masters and instructors I had in almost three decades have been pivotal
role models that I desperately needed to still the gaging waters on the course of my life.
As a teen I began instructing other students and leading classes became a part of my education. Leading
became a tool to improve myself by learning valuable lessons as well as a challenge to overcome in
patience and communication. I revealed in the challenge and was soon instructing my peers, their
parents, and their younger siblings closer to their goals as best I could. As my peers pursued other
passions and I went off to college, training became solitary for me, but everywhere I moved I was able to
meet new communities eager to share experiences who all spoke the same language no matter where in
the world we were: Taekwondo. I wish to impart the lessons that so incredibly altered the course of my
life for the better to those who also might struggle, or wish to become even more that they are now.
Taekwondo offers incredible opportunities for children, teens, and adults alike. A place for families to
come together, friendship to last, and skills to hone for life. Taekwondo is a place where being the best
means responsibility for others. The delicate line between cultural martial art and Olympic sport is
walked with respect and excitement to see each opportunity as a step towards strengthening resolve: of
the body, the mind, and the heart.